31 December 2011

♥ LAST DAY 2011 ♥

Here’s to 2011:
The year where friends became strangers and strangers became friends.
Where lovers became haters and haters became lovers.
The year where mistakes were made and lessons were learnt.
Where stories were shared and memories were created.
Where people hit rock bottom and where people raised back up.

Here’s to 2011:
the drama, the fights, the memories, the laughter, the tears, and the craziness. Bring on 2012!

*When some things go wrong, take a moment & be thankful for the many more things that are still going right. Alhamdulillah! 

to TOT TOT :)
-->>> thanks for being my friend and make my life more meaningful :)

hope 2012 brings more than that and we can change to a better person :AMIIIN:

27 December 2011


There are many times in life when we badly want something or someone that we will probably never have, whether the fault lie on us, another person, or the circumstances surrounding it. Sometimes letting go of something is a very hard thing to do, especially if we never really got a chance to do things the way we wanted, because we think the situation might be different if we had the opportunity to try.

We just have to accept life for what it is, things do not and will not always happen the way we want them to, and chances are there are greater opportunities for us in our future. It is easy to miss out on new opportunities if we are still letting something or someone hold us back that we may have hoped to have a chance with but never got. Cut your losses knowing that if a situation or relationship didn't happen like you wanted it to there is always something better out there for you.

my life ain't a fairytale :)